S.E.L.F. Care Psychoeducation Group

Weekly (Monday) Virtual Psychoeducation Group Therapy
Energy Exchange: $405

S.E.L.F Psychoeducation Groups will provide participants with tangible skills and a process to easily navigate life’s transitions. These skills are broken down into four categories:
Safety • Emotions • Loss • Future

One time
For 3 months

More About The Group:

3 weeks will be spent in each pillar of the group. The first two weeks in each pillar will focus on psychoeducation and processing; the last week will be an integration week. Each week participants will receive a workbook with information about the week's topic with guided questions for self-reflection and Heartwork (this is the takeaway action or reflection to be completed outside of the group).

This group will be a closed space meaning only the folks who sign up for the group will be allowed to participate. This space is crafted for, centers, and prioritizes Black femmes (feminine, women). This group will be held virtually (via Zoom) on Monday’s 7:00-9:00 PM EST.
Options available for additional 1:1 support are available on a limited basis.

  • S.E.L.F. is an acronym for Safety, Emotions, Loss, and Future. Let’s break each of these down further for this program:

Breaking Down the S.E.L.F. Acronym

  • Safety

    Safety is about creating felt safety in your body, in your mind, and with others. We focus on Physical, Psychological, Social, and Moral safety. Physical Safety: Being safe in your body and the world. Psychological Safety: Being safe with yourself.
    Social Safety: Being safe with other people.
    Moral Safety: Being safe with a guiding value system.

  • Emotions

    Emotion is about learning how to identify and navigate through your own emotions. We focus on learning how to feel and identify where emotions show up in the body and how to use the information of emotions effectively. We also discuss how to modulate and move the energy of our emotions out of the body.

  • Loss

    Loss is about moving through transitions and change. We will take time to acknowledge and reflect on the various losses we have had throughout our life and the impact of each loss. We will learn tools and skills for navigating change and learning to let go to move forward and what to do when we encounter resistance.

  • Future

    Future is about envisioning our dream lives and selves and making a plan to get there. It’s about managing the freedom and responsibilities that come with the power to make choices in one’s life that is not determined by the past.

This Group is for You if…

  • A Black Femmes navigating through transitions and changes: Separating from parents/family unit, single → partnered → committed, parenthood, self-discovery, stepping into authentic self, career shifts, and other changes/losses.

  • Folks looking for introductory self-healing skills: Folks looking to start their healing journey don’t know where to start or have skills to support themselves.

  • Folks looking for more support to navigate their emotions: Folks who need support learning how to identify, regulate, and modulate their emotions, folks who want to build their emotional intelligence.

  • Folks moving through grief and loss: grief is the emotional response to a change, planned or unplanned, positive, negative, or neutral. Folks are grieving and making the right decisions for themselves and still may feel a type of way.

  • Folks looking to get a clear vision for themselves want to be and have tangible skills and tools to help them get there. 

  • Black Femmes who may be interested in therapy but don’t want 1:1 sessions or may not be able to find/start therapy.

  • Build a community with like-minded folks also moving through the healing process.

Module Content Outline


    1. Intro to SELF Curriculum/Assessment/Impact of Trauma**

    2. Members Only Space & Emails**

    3. Community Agreements**

    4. S.E.L.F. Begins with Safety/Fight-Flight-Freeze-Comply**

    1. Jan 30, 2023 - Physically Safe/Psychologically Safe

      • Physical safety is basic safety in the world – knowing you will not be physically hurt by yourself or the people around you and having your basic physical needs met.

      • Psychological safety is being safe on the inside, being safe with yourself, safe inside your mind – not hurting your own or other people’s feelings.

    2. Feb 6, 2023 - Socially Safe/Morally Safe

      • Social safety is being safe with others, about choosing friends you can trust and who can trust you.

      • Moral/Spiritual safety is being safe with values consistent with one’s culture and with respect for life. Being able to make good choices and hold on to them.

    3. Feb 13, 2023 - Flex week for Safety Lesson/Wrap-Up/Intro to Emotion**

      • Check-In

      • Option for 1:1 session

      • Work on integration

      • BONUS: Boundaries Workbook

      • Intro to Emotion

    1. Feb 20, 2023 - Introduction to the World – and the Words – of Emotion – Mad, Sad, Glad, Scared, Shamed/Volume Control

      • Develop the ability to identify the emotions experienced in a situation.

      • Learn how to appropriately match their emotional reactions to the realities of the situation.

    2. Feb 27, 2023 - Stay Grounded/Self-Soothing/Stress Management

      • Explore the natural inclination of the mind to emotionally and physically disconnect from difficult or traumatic situations and practice simple methods for reconnecting and reorienting mind and body to present reality.

      • Discuss those situations that create stress responses and identify ways the mind and body respond to stress.

    3. Mar 6, 2023 - Flex week for Emotion Lesson/Wrap-Up/Intro to Loss**

      • Check-In

      • Option for 1:1 session

      • Work on integration

      • Bonus: Coping Skills Workbook

      • Intro to Loss

    1. Mar 13, 2023 - What Do We Mean By Loss/Using SELF to Work Through Loss

      • Define the broad category of loss and help participants learn the various ways people can show signs of grief and unresolved grief.

      • To demonstrate the ways in which the components of S.E.L.F. can provide a guide for people to work through various losses.

    2. Mar 20, 2023 - Learning to Let Go/Habits & Resisting Change

      • Describe the meaning of “letting go” and identify a process for completing it.

      • Help participants develop a method for changing habits to ensure a better future.

    3. Mar 27, 2023 - Flex Week for Loss/Wrap-Up/Intro to Future**

      • Check-In

      • Option for 1:1 session

      • Work on integration

      • BONUS: Grieving Rituals

      • Intro to Future

    1. Apr 3, 2023 -Empowerment/How to Influence the Future: S.E.L.F Fulfilling Prophecies

      • Familiarize people with the direct and indirect methods of exercising power and be able to recognize their own previously untapped sources of personal power.

      • To help participants understand how we can play a role in determining how other people treat us.

    2. Apr 10, 2023 - Imagining a Better Future/Relapse Prevention

      • Change patterns of visualization and prediction from negatively-based outcomes to outcomes that are pleasant and enjoyable.

      • Identify situations that compromise the safety of Self and articulate and quantify those strengths (intra-psychic and interpersonal) that allow an individual to resist the impulses to relapse successfully.

    1. Apr 17, 2023 - Celebration of Completion

      • Overview

      • Takeaways

      • Next Steps

      • Personal Wins

sign up today!

After signing up you will get access to the member page that has your onboarding content to be completed prior to Day 1 on January 30. You can browse through the information and resources available on the page and look at the worksheets for our first pillar: Safety,